Feng Shui considerations for 2019 - the Year of the Earth Pig

Every Chinese New Year, to stay in sync with the new energies, feng shui enthusiasts make adjustments to their homes and offices. These changes for the year are the most important feng shui cures because they are time sensitive.
As a feng shui consultant, these are the No.1 “cures” that I recommend. Putting them in place can make all the difference to getting the results you are after.
The advice comes in 4 parts:
[if !supportLists]1) [endif]changes you make to your home and office
[if !supportLists]2) [endif]directions you face when sitting and sleeping
[if !supportLists]3) [endif]directions to avoid or take counter-measures for when moving home or office
[if !supportLists]4) [endif]placing your Peach Blossom animals for romance
Why make any changes at all? Do any of the following apply to you?
Going through a divorce
Dealing with a lawsuit
Starting a Business
Major business deal happening
You have a rival for your partner’s affections
No. 1 - How to Make the Changes for the Year 2019

Stand in the geometric centre of your home or office and find the South West.
Remove all red objects, mirrors, clear quartz crystals and cut glass crystal from this area. Hang a 6 hollow-tubed metal wind chime in the South West.
Do NOT do this if you have a mirror in the same room but a different compass sector. You can use a large soft leaved green plant instead.
This is the most important change to make!
Whether you own your home or rent, it makes no difference.
It is important that you measure the centre of your home or office from its geometric centre. This means that if you have a garage adjoining your home then you need to include it on the floor plan. Likewise, if you have outbuildings within 120 feet (40 metres) of your home, these need to be included too
If you live in an apartment or flat, you need only do the changes for your own space.
If you share a house or a flat then it is your own room that is important. If the others in your home are willing to do the changes for the year in the house, this is fine, but not essential. In your situation, your room is 70% of your feng shui, and the only place where you do have control of what happens.
No.2 - Facing Directions

Avoid facing North North West and East
This relates to where you sit facing during the day, and is especially important to take note of when you are on a business call or selling over the telephone.
If you know your Kua number, you are probably aware of your good directions. This advice takes precedence for the coming year. If North North West or East would normally be good for you, this does not apply this year. Wherever possible, re-orient your sitting position to face one of your other 4 good directions. This is also relates to where your head points when you sleep.
Sometimes it is not possible to make these adjustments. However, if you have made the changes in No.1, you have done everything possible.
No.3 - Moving Home or Office

Avoid moving 60 degrees NE and 60 degrees SW
Spiritual practice is the counter measure
It may be that you have no choice about this, especially if you work for a large multi-national company, the military or the diplomatic service - or perhaps you are needed in another part of the country to look after a friend or relative.
As long as you are aware that you are doing what is called a “move against the energy”, you can take the most effective counter-measure,
which is to do 15-30 minutes of spiritual practice a day. This can be meditation, prayer, yoga, Tai Chi or Chi Kung.
If you are an agnostic or atheist; 15-30 minutes spent alone in nature in quiet reflection works just as well. I have done these "moves against the energy" and carried out spiritual practice as the counter-measure. My experience was that as soon as there was a problem, help came immediately from the most unexpected sources to resolve it.
No. 4 - Peach Blossom Luck

The purpose of activating your Peach Blossom Luck is to attract a partner who is worthy of you; i.e. someone who treats you really well.
There are 4 peach blossom animals:
The Rat
The Horse
The Rooster
The Rabbit
Yours will depend on your Chinese animal sign (see below).

If you were born in the Year of the of the Rabbit, Sheep or Pig your Peach Blossom animal is the Rat.
Its natural home is the North.
This year place one rat image in the North. Usually you need 2 Peach Blossom animals. However, this year the 2nd Peach Blossom animal goes in the North, and you already have your rat there. Job done!
You can use any rat image you like. I think with this particular animal, a soft toy rat is probably the best choice. If you live in a house then measuring from the centre of your home, place 1 rat image in the North. You can use a photograph, a painting, sculpture or figurine if you prefer.
To ramp up the effect, place 1 rat in the North of your bedroom as well. If you share a flat or a house, then only add 1 rat to the North of your bedroom.

If you were born in the Year of the Rooster, Snake or Ox then your Peach Blossom animal is the Horse
Its natural home is in the South.
This year, place one horse image in the South and the 2nd horse image in the North.
There are many lovely horse images. You will need 2 to activate your Peach Blossom Luck. The image can be a soft toy, photograph, painting or sculpture or figurine.
Place one horse in the South of your home as measured from the geometric centre of your home. and one in the North, measured in the same way.
If you share your home, just place your horses in the North and South of your bedroom, as measured from its geometric centre.

If you were born in the Year of the Tiger, Horse or Dog, your Peach Blossom animal is the Rabbit.
Its natural home is the East.
This year place one rabbit in the East and the 2nd rabbit in the North.
Rabbit images are easy to come by and certainly finding 2 soft toy rabbits should be easy.
This year, to activate your Peach Blossom Luck, place one rabbit image in the East of your home, measured from the geometric centre and one in the North of your home, again measured from the geometric centre of your home.
If you want to increase the effectiveness of your Peach Blossom Luck, also place one rabbit image in the East and one in the North of your bedroom, measured from its geometric centre. If you share your home, then just position the 2 rabbit representations in your bedroom.

If you were born in the Year of the Dragon, Rat or Monkey, your Peach Blossom animal is the Rooster.
Its natural home is the West.
To activate your Peach Blossom Luck, find 2 images or representations of a rooster and place one in the West of your home, as measured from the geometric centre, and one in the North of your home as measured from the geometric centre. You can choose from pictures, paintings, figurines, photographs or toys.
To increase the effectiveness of your Peach Blossom Luck, you can add 2 roosters to your bedroom as well, one in the West and one in the North - again measured from the geometric centre of your bedroom.
If you share your home, just place one rooster in the West, and one in the North of your bedroom.
If you would like to find out more about Feng Shui, please visit my website:
Dr Suzanne Harper www.fengshuiwestcountry.com