How to eliminate Migraines - introducing the Migraine Rapid® Technique

As a new member of Complementary Health Professionals I wanted to share my development of the Migraine Rapid Technique that I have developed over the past 20 years in Finland.
The idea to become a massage therapist first came into my mind when I was in eighth grade. At the time the only things I was interested in were sports, English language, history and nutrition. The idea of applying to the Sports Institute in Finland became developed before my military service in 1992 when I was attending an intensive sports instructor course at Kuortane Sports Academy, the second home of most Finnish track and field athletes and Greco-roman wrestlers. I enjoyed my military service but during it I applied to the Eastern Finland Sports Institute (EFS) to study massage therapy and sports massage therapy. EFS has a great reputation and traditions in massage therapy education. I was selected and a bonus was that I had a chance to do also study sports medicine.
The burning desire to help
Step by step I discovered my great love for treating people and helping them. Right from the beginning I discovered my curiosity about techniques and to discover better skills. Also I found myself being very much frustrated when I couldn't help someone with what I knew. The feeling, "I must help this person" became stronger and stronger.
Seed of manual migraine treatment
Amongst basic massage therapy and sports massage therapy studies our massage teacher introduced a wide range of special treatments and one of those special fields was manual migraine treatment. It was extremely simple and although not perfect it was a fantastic starting point for my manual migraine development work. Thanks to it, the first steps were taken. Also, during my studies my own migraines and tension headaches started to rise, which gave me even more impetus and drive to develop a treatment that would really work.
The myth buster
After my graduation in May 1995, I started working almost right away and took the first shaky steps to discover more effective ways to treat migraine as well as other headaches. Of course in the beginning I made mistakes by doing too much and working too deep. However, all this time my growing desire to reach higher and faster drove me forward. Slowly but firmly I gained better results and discovered improved and faster ways to help people. My own pains were actually very helpful as it gave me empathy with the clients I was trying to help. When I had a broken lumbar vertebrae in 1997 and had to go through hellish pains for four months, this compounded my desire to become a top notch manual pain relief specialist and fast. My power lifting career was over but something far more fascinating and deeper started. By using my own methods I came back "alive" after a painful late spring and summer, and I felt better than ever in August -97. Moreover, the new physical and mental activity of Hokutoryu Ju-Jutsu I learnt not only was a great leisure time activity but also gave me a more valuable understanding of the body and mind.
During the aftermath of my vertebrae problem I started doing all sorts of practical tests in order to learn more about the physiology of pain, migraine and its facets. This was also the start of an era which I'm calling a "myth buster" period. I eagerly started to test the body and mind reactions to physical activity ( e.g. running, gym etc.) workout when I felt a migraine attack rising. I also tested the reaction of having a glass of wine, whisky, beer on those same situations. The motivation for this was partially my stubborn attitude as not everything I was reading about migraine seemed clear. Of course I often ended up feeling absolutely terrible but it was during those times of experimentation that I gained information that you just cannot learn from books or lectures. Also my treatment results started to be effective but there was still a lot of work to do. At the time I felt myself like an expert swimming with a Great White Shark without a cage; I kept asking how to do it perfectly without scaring the other one away and loosing the fight. The myth buster era lasted from 1997 up until February 2011 during which I executed 6500 tests. At that time the very first manual migraine treatment was in the market; called the CMT Method. The results of treating non-chronic migraines were rather good, though chronic migraine treatment results were far away from being perfect.
After doing a lot of brainstorming, reasoning, more testing and treating migraine sufferers, I brought a new treatment, "Migraine Rapid" to market in Finland. The results even surprised me and I had to cut the intensive care time of non-chronic migraine care. As an interesting side product, I started to test and develop rapid style techniques for military and first aid purposes. This project is currently on-going and most likely new products will be ready for the market within the next 2 to 3 years. The positive results in chronic migraine treatment started to get dramatically faster. Currently in non-chronic migraine treatment, positive results are being gained within 1-2 weeks of treatment and by doing 1-4 manual migraine treatments. In chronic migraine treatment, positive results are achieved within 2-3 weeks depending on the situation. In acute migraine treatment the 15 minutes positive response time has become a standard. However, I'm not satisfied until the standard positive response time is between 4-8 minutes. In my own migraine self-care I can get positive results in 2-4 minutes, so there is still development work and the chance to improve the treatment even more.
There are eight million migraine suffers in the United Kingdom so it was clear for a long time that I wanted to establish a migraine clinic in the UK to take the next step in helping people in the battle of this awful disease. My practice starts on the 13th June 2016 in London and you can find out more information on my website at In the future I hope to be able to teach this technique through Complementary Health Professionals.