Hopefully we have been able to answer your questions, but if not then please feel free to email us.
We do have a telephone number as well that you can reach us on, but you may find email easier and more convenient.

I don't have a paypal account. How can I arrange to pay for membership or for any other product or services if I don't want to pay this way?
Opening a paypal account is easy and totally safe. Watch this video to find out more.
It's free to sign up for a PayPal account. PayPal does not charge any fees when you pay for goods and services. PayPal is a service that enables you to pay, send money, and accept payments without revealing your financial information.
If you really are uncomfortable with paying by PayPal, please email us at enquiries@complementaryhealthprofessionals.co.uk and we can arrange for you to pay via BACs transfer or send a cheque.

If I qualify with one of your accredited colleges' training diplomas, will I be able to register with the Complementary & Natural Healthcare Council as I really would like to work in the NHS?
Absolutely yes! Our training courses are all fully benchmarked to the Core Curricula of the CNHC and therefore meet the National Occupational Standards for the therapies we teach. They are all at Industry Standard and will allow you to practice, gain professional insurance and be able to join the CNHC as a registered practitioner. Having voluntary self-regulation of the profession ensures quality to both the public and the NHS. We see our role as educators and trainers with over 20 years industry experience giving you quality training to empower you to be the best in your field.

I qualified many years ago and I want to become a member of Complementary Health Professionals and the CNHC. How do I go about it?
First of all we will ask you for details of your qualifications and how long you have been in practice. We will also ask for evidence of your CPD activities. If we feel you need a refresher in one or more of your therapies to help bring you up to date, we will advise you accordingly. One of the unique points of Complementary Health Professionals is that because we accredited schools who offer diplomas being delivered as blended learning and have workshops you can step into or short home study courses you can complete to quickly help you get back to industry standard. It may be that one of our assessors can meet with you and assess your current skillset. We want to help you achieve your goals and will give you every amount of support and care to ensure you can register with us and the CNHC.