Nurses are ideal Essential Oil Practitioners
by Emma Vincent MSc Adult Nursing, MCHP Ever since I can remember I have wanted to be a nurse, and after twenty-seven years of practice,...

Why the client consultation is so vital
By Carole Preen FCHP, FANM, HonMIFA One of the key areas of being a complementary therapist is the consultation process. It is...

What is first aid and why is it important for Complementary Health practitioners?
Why is it a good idea for anyone to learn first aid? How can being proficient in first aid benefit our mental health? First aid is the...

What is Oncology Massage?
"Oncology massage is neither light, fluffy or insubstantial, it addresses the needs of the client and how the tissue responds...."

Celebrating National Complementary Therapy Week 2020
This week, we are celebrating National Complementary Therapy Week for the first time and we could not have picked a worst week. But who...

Anxiety - The Enemy within
We’re pleased to say that Nigel will be with us in October at our Annual Conference to explore Song Therapy, a new therapeutic approach...

Treating Trapped Nerves - a Myoskeletal Approach
This September we are delighted to be returning to London to present the third in our series of Myoskeletal Alignment Techniques...

Using CBD oil in Massage Therapy
Recently, the world of Complementary and Alternative Medicine (CAM) is buzzing with talk of Cannabidiol (CBD). Therefore, the question we...

What is Turmeric Essential Oil useful for in a Clinical Aromatherapy setting?
The Latin name for this plant is Curcuma longa Linn and it is a member of the Zingiberaceae family (the same as Ginger oil). Native to...

Unravelling GI Problems – Stress
I believe in working to achieve real healing. A client’s level of health is a direct result of their lifestyle, so when a part of that...