Fully recognised Anatomy, Physiology & Pathology Diploma (distance learning only)
This is a full practitioners' diploma in A, P & P (level 4) and it more than complies with the National Occupational Standards and the Core Curricula from ALL of the main Lead Bodies in Complementary Medicine. We include this as part of the Aromatherapy, Reflexology and Massage Diploma, but you can also take it as a diploma on its own if you wish. There is a quite a bit of coursework related to this to help you understand the body's complexities in detail and will help you become a better and more competent and confident practitioner in no matter what modality you offer.
There are three modules and you will request the next one once the previous has been marked and feedback given. This can all be done electronically and in your own time, at your own pace. You will take a theory exam at the end of your course, which you will need to attend one of our exam dates in London to complete. There is an additional charge of £50 for the exam.
The cost per module is £100 and there are three modules, plus the exam so the total cost is £350.
Click here to see the module content
To enrol on this course as a stand alone, please contact us direct and we will allocate the accredited school, Personal Tutor and be in touch to set everything up for you.